jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

comment about the videos posted by Lidia Govea(oral expression)

Well, I saw the videos and all I can say is that:

Ø The 1st video is about an Asian boy producing the impromptu speech because he had like no time to organize his ideas, he was talking about his 1st teacher and all he knew in English was: yes and no.

Ø The 2nd video is about a little girl, and to be honest I understood 80% of the words produced in her speech, but I have noticed the memorized speech. Because she was talking about fragments of poetry(or songs) and in the minute 0:50 she forget about a word and look out of the camera range, so I believe that she is having a pointer or something like that in order not to forget about what she is talking about.

Ø In the 3rd video we can see a brunette girl reading a poem. She is obviously Miss Manuscript Speech; she is reading the speech because it is important to use the exact words.

And the last video, our 4th video, is about a girl trying to persuade her partners NOT TO SMOKE because it is expensive, deathly and addictive, plus it doesn’t affect just to you but to all people around you. This video is about Outlined Speech or Extemporaneous

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